Jeff Thompson was just another working Canadian citizen. Like you or I he had a position in life. A way to be independent, to be comfortable, to dream and plan for a full and happy life. And, like the rest of us Canadian workers, totally oblivious to what the results of a disabling workplace accident would do to that life. As Jeff, and hundreds of thousands of Canadian workers found out since WCB's were started, this is what really happens. View Jeff's story This one incident, combined with the thousands of reports of injured Canadians being forced onto welfare with no help to retrain, bankruptcies, loss of property, family stress leading to breakups, suicide, dying from stress, no medical care, and no wage loss, clearly indicates WCB's are not doing the very job government says they were created for. Forced onto welfare, with payments being reimbursed to the government publicly funded program commonly known as "welfare" ...

Victims Of Compensation Abuse League is a Canada wide initiative to identify, gather, and support those who have been disabled because of an on the job illness or injury, and subsequently suffers secondary wounding at the hands of a corrupt WCB process. Professionals in the medical and legal fields are encouraged to add their voices of support with a goal to remove the causes of the needless pain, suffering, poverty, and even death an injured Canadian often finds themselves subjected too.