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Showing posts from April, 2014

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview - PTSD Symptoms

There is one item of PTSD not mentioned. The Workers Compensation System uses psychologically abusive appeals processes in all its claims handling. Many who have suffered severe accidents and become disabled from their employment but who do not show signs of PTSD develop this condition as a direct result of the appeals. These appeals leave a person in poverty, often losing all they worked for which adds to the stress. Many suffer from Chronic Pain as a result of their accidents and subsequent nerve damage and are not being treated pending appeals. This also causes stress. Too much for any normal person to take. An accident victim accepts compensation believing the Workers Compensation Boards are there to help them get well and back to work. When this does not happen and they are forced into these appeals even though there is an abundance of medical evidence to prove they are disabled from employment, this causes their world view to fall apart. The nice community they liv...

VA Hospitals Being ALLOWED To Let Veterans Die And Then Disappear Their ...

Description Over 40 die waiting for medical appointments. Some waiting as long as 21 months. This is not uncommon in the Workers Compensation system. Thousands in each State and Province who are promised medical care and wage loss if they get hurt at work are not getting what was promised from the State. All most get is more paperwork and more appeals. Then if you can live long enough, fight hard enough, you might get just barely enough to survive on, all the while tormented with poverty, pain, and stress. Many fight for years before committing suicide. Many more die of the stress related symptoms. It will never end for your family or mine, unless we demand the care promised to us by industry and governments.

Bangladesh marks factory collapse anniversary

Here's what REAL Love Looks Like..:)

Rally Against Temporary Foreign Worker Program - Part Two

Ronnie Smith's Story - Cured 300 people of cancer with Cannabis Oil (MOR...