What is happening to this man is illegal. The insurance company provides "Workers Compensation Insurance". It is government regulated and controlled. The government removes the legal and medical and legal rights from an injured worker leaving the insurance company completely in control of any wage loss benefits or medical care for injuries. This was known in Canada as the "Historic Compromise" and in the U.S. as the "Exclusive Remedy" It was meant to protect Corporations from bankrupticies and to ensure the working men and women of North America would receive wage loss and medical care for injuries, in exchange the working man gave up the right to sue. Successive legislation removed more rights and we are in an unfair position where if we are disabled from our employment legitimately and in need of help to get well and back to work we are denied. Even though the insurance companies know we are disabled form our employment. They force appeals on us that ca...

Victims Of Compensation Abuse League is a Canada wide initiative to identify, gather, and support those who have been disabled because of an on the job illness or injury, and subsequently suffers secondary wounding at the hands of a corrupt WCB process. Professionals in the medical and legal fields are encouraged to add their voices of support with a goal to remove the causes of the needless pain, suffering, poverty, and even death an injured Canadian often finds themselves subjected too.