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Showing posts from 2009

Job Description; Making Useful WCB Employees

Employment offered Job Description; Making useful WCB employees To make a WCB employee useful, first capture one. This part is tricky because they are slippery and squirm a lot. Take care and have a big club in case they don’t go willingly. Try to avoid touching them and always wear gloves because their slime may contaminate you. Step two. Bring to well ventilated room with the following equipment; large pot over open fire wooden chair bolted to floor pile of wood under chair butcher knives bone grinder for making meal large ladle for collecting fat 100 wicks for candle making Two 4 inch stainless steel nails 1 hammer 1 8 foot long table Step 3. Hire two very angry injured workers who have been tortured and abused for at least 30 years. They will work cheap. Job Description; Sit WCB employee animal on seat Pull out toenails and fingernails then cut off hands and feet Throw hands and feet in boiling pot of water. Use toe and finger nails to make glue. Gouge out eyes with butcher knife. ...