Employment offered
Job Description; Making useful WCB employees
To make a WCB employee useful, first capture one. This part is tricky because they are slippery and squirm a lot. Take care and have a big club in case they don’t go willingly. Try to avoid touching them and always wear gloves because their slime may contaminate you.
Step two. Bring to well ventilated room with the following equipment;
large pot over open fire
wooden chair bolted to floor
pile of wood under chair
butcher knives
bone grinder for making meal
large ladle for collecting fat
100 wicks for candle making
Two 4 inch stainless steel nails
1 hammer
1 8 foot long table
Step 3. Hire two very angry injured workers who have been tortured and abused for at least 30 years. They will work cheap.
Job Description;
Sit WCB employee animal on seat
Pull out toenails and fingernails then cut off hands and feet Throw hands and feet in boiling pot of water. Use toe and finger nails to make glue.
Gouge out eyes with butcher knife. Feed to dog
Nail both nuts to wooden chair with four inch nails
Cut tongue out and ears off and feed to dog
While still alive then light fire under chair. When just the outer layers of skin are singed, extinguish fire.
Cut nuts off with butcher knife. Feed to dog.
Throw writhing WCB criminal murderer employee in boiling large pot of water
When all fat has been boiled off flesh use ladle to scoop in jars
Insert wicks in jars
Scrape all meat off bones. Feed to dog.
Grind all bones in grinder. Use as fertilizer
Step 4. Hire two injured workers as salesmen.
Job Description;
Sell tea lights made from WCB criminal murderer employee fat.
Sell fertilizer to farmers.
As you can see, this plan makes the WCB employee very useful to society. To summarize the ways;
Dog food
Light and heat source
Employment for 7 injured workers. Two for hunting, two for production workers in factory, two for salesmen, and one manager to oversee operations.
Removes moral pollution from environment
This is a long-term project as a supply of criminal WCB employee murderers is limitless. Date of hire is anytime. Place is worldwide
Payment to injured workers consists of all property owned by criminal murderer WCB employee, including houses, investments, cars, furniture, jewellery, wives and kids to make up for our lost families, a medal for bravery for standing up to these criminals, and the respect of all society.
Apply to;
Frederick Palmer
Founder – V.O.C.A.L.
(Victims Of Compensation Abuse League)
P.S. The violent thoughts expressed above are only some of the ways an abused injured worker thinks. Their fantasies involve getting even, getting justice, and this constant denial of an outlet to achieve this justice in a timely manner leads to these kinds of thoughts. With a brain injured individual, these thoughts set off an emotional response of flight or fright. So many injured workers scream into the phone at their abusers not because they are ignorant or immoral. It is because they know they are crippled, lame, unable to do their job duties anymore, and the WCB criminal murderer adjudicators are trained to ignore these screams for help and threats of harm as the ravings of a lunatic and fraud. The constant demand for more medicals when disability has been clearly established is criminal in nature and intent and the reasoning, intelligent, injured worker is well aware of the fraud against them. This lack of swift justice leads to the loss of all property, self respect and self esteem, causes patients to go untreated for extremely painful conditions, depression, anxiety, and a host of other physical, mental and emotional problems. To be cut off from justice in a free and democratic society is intolerable. When the patient is abused to the point of death by suicide, the guilty parties are those that withheld that commitment and trust of care.
The three weapons of murder used are as follows;
Pain (caused by being sent back to work before healed from serious injuries, and permanent nerve damage)
Poverty (caused from being forced to appeal while being cut off all financial benefits while totally disabled from employment and dealing with painful and confusing conditions without any medical care except what the patient can provide for themselves on welfare)
Stress (Caused as a result of the patients knowledge of their disability and its limiting effects on their employment and life in general, while being laughed at by adjudicators, lawyers, doctors, and made out to be a fraud. In other words, having all society call them a liar and fraud and treating them as such, without justification.)
Job Description; Making useful WCB employees
To make a WCB employee useful, first capture one. This part is tricky because they are slippery and squirm a lot. Take care and have a big club in case they don’t go willingly. Try to avoid touching them and always wear gloves because their slime may contaminate you.
Step two. Bring to well ventilated room with the following equipment;
large pot over open fire
wooden chair bolted to floor
pile of wood under chair
butcher knives
bone grinder for making meal
large ladle for collecting fat
100 wicks for candle making
Two 4 inch stainless steel nails
1 hammer
1 8 foot long table
Step 3. Hire two very angry injured workers who have been tortured and abused for at least 30 years. They will work cheap.
Job Description;
Sit WCB employee animal on seat
Pull out toenails and fingernails then cut off hands and feet Throw hands and feet in boiling pot of water. Use toe and finger nails to make glue.
Gouge out eyes with butcher knife. Feed to dog
Nail both nuts to wooden chair with four inch nails
Cut tongue out and ears off and feed to dog
While still alive then light fire under chair. When just the outer layers of skin are singed, extinguish fire.
Cut nuts off with butcher knife. Feed to dog.
Throw writhing WCB criminal murderer employee in boiling large pot of water
When all fat has been boiled off flesh use ladle to scoop in jars
Insert wicks in jars
Scrape all meat off bones. Feed to dog.
Grind all bones in grinder. Use as fertilizer
Step 4. Hire two injured workers as salesmen.
Job Description;
Sell tea lights made from WCB criminal murderer employee fat.
Sell fertilizer to farmers.
As you can see, this plan makes the WCB employee very useful to society. To summarize the ways;
Dog food
Light and heat source
Employment for 7 injured workers. Two for hunting, two for production workers in factory, two for salesmen, and one manager to oversee operations.
Removes moral pollution from environment
This is a long-term project as a supply of criminal WCB employee murderers is limitless. Date of hire is anytime. Place is worldwide
Payment to injured workers consists of all property owned by criminal murderer WCB employee, including houses, investments, cars, furniture, jewellery, wives and kids to make up for our lost families, a medal for bravery for standing up to these criminals, and the respect of all society.
Apply to;
Frederick Palmer
Founder – V.O.C.A.L.
(Victims Of Compensation Abuse League)
P.S. The violent thoughts expressed above are only some of the ways an abused injured worker thinks. Their fantasies involve getting even, getting justice, and this constant denial of an outlet to achieve this justice in a timely manner leads to these kinds of thoughts. With a brain injured individual, these thoughts set off an emotional response of flight or fright. So many injured workers scream into the phone at their abusers not because they are ignorant or immoral. It is because they know they are crippled, lame, unable to do their job duties anymore, and the WCB criminal murderer adjudicators are trained to ignore these screams for help and threats of harm as the ravings of a lunatic and fraud. The constant demand for more medicals when disability has been clearly established is criminal in nature and intent and the reasoning, intelligent, injured worker is well aware of the fraud against them. This lack of swift justice leads to the loss of all property, self respect and self esteem, causes patients to go untreated for extremely painful conditions, depression, anxiety, and a host of other physical, mental and emotional problems. To be cut off from justice in a free and democratic society is intolerable. When the patient is abused to the point of death by suicide, the guilty parties are those that withheld that commitment and trust of care.
The three weapons of murder used are as follows;
Pain (caused by being sent back to work before healed from serious injuries, and permanent nerve damage)
Poverty (caused from being forced to appeal while being cut off all financial benefits while totally disabled from employment and dealing with painful and confusing conditions without any medical care except what the patient can provide for themselves on welfare)
Stress (Caused as a result of the patients knowledge of their disability and its limiting effects on their employment and life in general, while being laughed at by adjudicators, lawyers, doctors, and made out to be a fraud. In other words, having all society call them a liar and fraud and treating them as such, without justification.)