To whom it may Concern, Patrick Clayton is not an evil man. The system he was subjected too is the culprit in this case. All Workers Compensation Boards in Canada practice psychological and physical abuse against the permanently disabled victim. It is this psychological and physical abuse that drives men mad, causes them to commit crimes, causes them to seek treatment from the streets (drugs and alcohol), and even causes them to commit suicide. That is the goal of the Workers Compensation Boards. Mr. Clayton is not alone suffering pain and torment and fraud and abuse. There are tens of thousands of injured workers across Canada being mistreated the same way. Fortunately most injured workers recover and return to their jobs. For those that can’t, and the WCB’s know immediately which ones can’t, the abuse begins. What has happened to Mr. Clayton is not an isolated incident. In the last couple of years WCB offices have been attacked in Manitoba and Quebec. To single him out as a worthles...

Victims Of Compensation Abuse League is a Canada wide initiative to identify, gather, and support those who have been disabled because of an on the job illness or injury, and subsequently suffers secondary wounding at the hands of a corrupt WCB process. Professionals in the medical and legal fields are encouraged to add their voices of support with a goal to remove the causes of the needless pain, suffering, poverty, and even death an injured Canadian often finds themselves subjected too.