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Please Help Canadians

To whom it may Concern,

Patrick Clayton is not an evil man. The system he was subjected too is the culprit in this case.
All Workers Compensation Boards in Canada practice psychological and physical abuse against the permanently disabled victim. It is this psychological and physical abuse that drives men mad, causes them to commit crimes, causes them to seek treatment from the streets (drugs and alcohol), and even causes them to commit suicide. That is the goal of the Workers Compensation Boards.
Mr. Clayton is not alone suffering pain and torment and fraud and abuse. There are tens of thousands of injured workers across Canada being mistreated the same way. Fortunately most injured workers recover and return to their jobs. For those that can’t, and the WCB’s know immediately which ones can’t, the abuse begins.
What has happened to Mr. Clayton is not an isolated incident. In the last couple of years WCB offices have been attacked in Manitoba and Quebec. To single him out as a worthless drug addict and to imply that drugs are his main problem is only deceitful and incompetent reporting designed to take the focus off the criminal actions of WCB’s. I have to ask why the media treats every case as a single entity when in fact it is Canada wide fraud and abuse against us all?
To prove my point about injured workers being subjected to psychological abuse I offer you this statement from a document prepared by WorksafeBC. It states; “....does not compensate for psychological damage as a result of being involved in the WCB process.”
This process they refer to is the appeals. Most are completely unnecessary and even when there is doubt about disability proper medical/job function testing can confirm or deny such a state. This medical testing is delayed or even completely withheld from the patient.
Part of the abuse is that the patient begins to lose all they own awaiting appeals, have to bear the stigma of being on welfare when they should be receiving workers compensation benefits, have no money for lawyers and are traumatized by being forced to defend themselves when they are too sick to do so. This is especially true in brain injury cases.
One of these cases involve a B.C. man who was brain injured then subjected to repeated cut offs of benefits and under surveillance for years. Just imagine being brain injured and as a result suffering emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, paranoia, and other symptoms. Then imagine having WCB spies popping out of the bushes at every opportunity to take pictures and send false reports back to WCB’s who then cut off benefits.
In Mr. Lockyer’s case he was traumatized from 1989 until 2005. At that point he thought a WCB spy was coming to cut off benefits and he stabbed the man to death. He is now in a mental hospital.

That is the result of the frivolous and vexatious appeals processes that lead to such incidents as Mr. Lockyers and Mr. Claytons. There are hundreds more such incidents occurring regularly. About 28 years ago I found myself in the same position and stole pistols to go to WSIB Ontario and blow their criminal heads off. I served three months for the theft but fortunately came to my senses and did not use the guns for any criminal purpose.
The simple truth is, WCB’s regularly inflict mental and emotional trauma designed purposely to force the claimant to abandon their claims. Suffering unbearable pain while being psychologically abused is why most permanently disabled injured workers commit suicide and/or cause harm to other human beings.
It is time the media expose these crimes against Canadian citizens. If not, why not?

Frederick Palmer
Founder – V.O.C.A.L.
(Victims Of Compensation Abuse League)

The Four T's of WCB's.
Traumatize, Torment, Terrorize, Torture. WCB and injured workers is a marriage made in Hell. Till death do they part? Always the death of the injured worker who is tortured with untreated pain and tormented by the lies, deceits, and frauds, committed against him/her. How can they do that and get away with it? Listen to this man. He will explain briefly.
Excellent points were brought up in the video provided by Mr. Coady. Especially the Constitutional issue. No one in this country called Canada has the right to remove the basic fundamental legal rights of a Canadian Citizen. Not even the government. People in jail have more rights than injured workers. It is an inequality and injustice to have these laws on the books. The Canada Health Act and the Workers Compensation Acts in each Province must be reviewed and adjusted to conform to the Constitution. Before more lives are ruined or lost.
Frederick Palmer
Founder- V.O.C.A.L.
(Victims Of Compensation Abuse League)

Click on the following link pertaining to the sad and preventable saga of a man that was let down by the Alberta Government and more than likely the justice system.

There are thousands of workers who not only in Alberta but in all of Canada who gullibly believed that the system was supposed to look after them when they were injured or suffered some occupational disease. That is a blatant lie as many workers have found out. The system only protects employers from litigation even when there is criminal negligence causing injury or death, instead an employer is charged under provincial legislation resulting in fines. Mr. Clayton's claim should be investigated and become public knowledge. An inquiry should be held to determine if Mr. Clayton's claim was not handled properly.

for those of you who recall an incident in Manitoba involving a worker was dismissed by the Judge for good reason. To simply prosecute Mr. Clayton without knowing why he did what he did is not the answer. The answer to this is to look at how claims are handled and why there is so much contempt and hatred against the Provincial Government, the Courts and WCB who know what is happening and why but simply sweep everything under the rug so to speak. Mr. Clayton does not deserve to go to jail for something that could have been avoided. Perhaps the appointment of a workers ombudsman would be the first place to start.

Gerry Miller

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