"Chronic Pain" from nerve damage is what most of our disabled Vets suffer from. This is just one example. It is not limited to soldiers. The working population, especially those who are at great risk of injury such as miners, railway workers, carpenters and other tradesmen are involved in accidents that cause this pain. Pills are not the answer. This Chronic Pain is debilitating making a person unfit for work or even normal daily functions. It consumes a person. There needs to be a multi disciplinary approach to treating pain. Combination therapies including Marijuana which should be a front line defence against Chronic Pain. Massage and Hydrotherapy. Chronic Pain causes 1. Depression 2. High Blood Pressure 3. Insomnia 4. Lack of mobility and isolation causing further weakness of muscle. 5. Inability to focus on tasks and many more harmful symptoms. This leads to suicides or a life of pain and misery with the added burden of poverty. Treating these symptoms with pills does ...

Victims Of Compensation Abuse League is a Canada wide initiative to identify, gather, and support those who have been disabled because of an on the job illness or injury, and subsequently suffers secondary wounding at the hands of a corrupt WCB process. Professionals in the medical and legal fields are encouraged to add their voices of support with a goal to remove the causes of the needless pain, suffering, poverty, and even death an injured Canadian often finds themselves subjected too.