Canada too. Everywhere now governments are killing people by hiring these insurance/workers compensation/disability assessment companies purposefully to torment and harass and cause pain and suffering to the disabled. The desired result is death. A genocide of the disabled everywhere. Fascists. Christians mostly. Our governments are absolving themselves of any moral responsibility because it is a private corporation they hire. "At arms length" is the term. The appeals processes are purposefully made longer than necessary, and most are not needed at all because the medical evidence is all that is needed to prove mental or physical disability. Yet claimants everywhere are forced to run around to these insurance companies and government agencies forever trying to get what they need to get well and back to functioning. Basically the disabled are robbed by the system and never regain their independence or freedom again. Most trapped with only food stamps, charity, welfare and th...

Victims Of Compensation Abuse League is a Canada wide initiative to identify, gather, and support those who have been disabled because of an on the job illness or injury, and subsequently suffers secondary wounding at the hands of a corrupt WCB process. Professionals in the medical and legal fields are encouraged to add their voices of support with a goal to remove the causes of the needless pain, suffering, poverty, and even death an injured Canadian often finds themselves subjected too.