Canada too. Everywhere now governments are killing people by hiring these insurance/workers compensation/disability assessment companies purposefully to torment and harass and cause pain and suffering to the disabled. The desired result is death. A genocide of the disabled everywhere. Fascists. Christians mostly. Our governments are absolving themselves of any moral responsibility because it is a private corporation they hire. "At arms length" is the term. The appeals processes are purposefully made longer than necessary, and most are not needed at all because the medical evidence is all that is needed to prove mental or physical disability. Yet claimants everywhere are forced to run around to these insurance companies and government agencies forever trying to get what they need to get well and back to functioning. Basically the disabled are robbed by the system and never regain their independence or freedom again. Most trapped with only food stamps, charity, welfare and the rest commit suicide or die of stress related illnesses. a wonderfully concocted murder scheme perpetrated by governments against its own peoples. Remember the big sign over Auschwitz? ARBEIT MACHT FREI = Work is Freedom. It is clear we now live in a Nazi world where if disabled from your employment you will be killed ruthlessly and without mercy. Robbed, cheated, subjected to psychologically abusive appeals processes, forced onto charity and welfare agencies, and begging, pleading, crying for help and not one government employee cares. Why? Because it is our governments that are the criminal minds behind these thefts, frauds, slanders, tortures and murders. Medical neglect and economic duress kills the patient. Many knowing they will never be allowed to get well or back to work end their lives in despair. Many suffering from severe pain not being treated also commit suicide to get relief. It is a genocide. Part of the eugenics programs started in the late 1800's in California. Hitler actually used books published by Americans in California as part of his torturing and murdering the disabled in Nazi Germany. Now they pick us off one by one in our homes or force us to the streets. It is murder for money as government employees receive good pay and benefits and the insurance companies get bonuses for cutting off medical care and financial assistance to the disabled. Murder for money.
I always Like Talk About the Charter and Human Rights. How can a Canadian citizen permanently disabled and unemployable at his previous occupations(s) ever get treated fairly, when both the Canada Health Act and our WCB Acts remove our basic rights? The answer is no justice can be gotten by the injured forced, yes forced, into needless appeals. What government may not realize is that the WCB's, all of them, use these loopholes in the law to deny claims with immunity from having to pay legislated benefits, including providing medical care, wage loss, follow up treatments, retraining that would enable a person to reach their potential and restore them to the workforce, or any other measure that would be a benefit to the individual and society as a whole. So whose fault is it that this discrimination in society is permitted by government? Why government itself of course. They have created this discrimination by such clear and obvious legislation completely against the wishes of the pe...