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Showing posts from 2014

Not Gonna Lay Down and Die.

Marc Emery returns to Canada, blasts 'cowardly' Canadian politicians

Rabbi to CNN: ‘Blind Loyalty to Israeli’ Military Is Subversion of Jewis...

Israeli Genocide in Gaza - A Documentary by Dr. David Duke

World on high alert over Ebola virus

World on high alert over Ebola virus - This makes the plague look like the common cold. Doctors and other medical staff are dying. The U.S. peace corps is recalling approximately 340 employees. Other groups such as Church run charities are also leaving West Africa. The danger now is simply this. Which one of those just got infected and will bring Ebola to Europe, North America, etc.? A stampede of people leaving West Africa is not what we want or need. It is my opinion anyone coming back from those countries affected by Ebola be quarantined for 30 days to ensure they don't infect Toronto or other cities around the world. Even that will not be sufficient as an infected person showing symptoms has already infected two or three more on the plane. How can we quarantine them all? This scenario does not look good.

Disconnected: The Sacrifices We Make For This Human Right

#PrayForPalestine Rally Calgary July 18 2014 PART 1

Civilian casualties mount as Israel widens Gaza invasion

Disabled & Betrayed: Retired Major Mark Campbell Tells His Story

Soldiers in Canada experience what other injured workers have endured since 1915. That was the year Workers Compensation Insurance came to Canada.

Veteran's Suicide Note Highlights VA Problems

"Chronic Pain" from nerve damage is what most of our disabled Vets suffer from. This is just one example. It is not limited to soldiers. The working population, especially those who are at great risk of injury such as miners, railway workers, carpenters and other tradesmen are involved in accidents that cause this pain. Pills are not the answer. This Chronic Pain is debilitating making a person unfit for work or even normal daily functions. It consumes a person. There needs to be a multi disciplinary approach to treating pain. Combination therapies including Marijuana which should be a front line defence against Chronic Pain. Massage and Hydrotherapy. Chronic Pain causes 1. Depression 2. High Blood Pressure 3. Insomnia 4. Lack of mobility and isolation causing further weakness of muscle. 5. Inability to focus on tasks and many more harmful symptoms. This leads to suicides or a life of pain and misery with the added burden of poverty. Treating these symptoms with pills does ...

Panhandling Problem: "Don't Encourage Street Pests"

Panhandling Problem: "Don't Encourage Street Pests"  

VA Scandal Just Got Bigger! Multiple Midwest Hospitals Has Secret Waitin...

This is called "purposeful neglect". They know the patient will die in poverty, pain and stress. It is a PLANNED EUGENICS PROGRAM TO KILL THE DISABLED! It started around 1914-15 in the U.S. and Canada. Started by J.D. Rockefeller and Canadian head of industrial relations William Lyon McKenzie King who later became our Prime Minister. The plan was to offer Workers Compensation benefits which was 1. medical care for injuries 2 wage loss benefits. Instead they use the program ... to identify the disabled and kill them by forcing them into frivolous and vexatious appeals processes. The working men and women in Canada and the U.S. have been a victim of this insurance fraud for 100 years. They spread their policies and procedures to the military men because no one noticed, no one cared, as they picked us injured workers off one by one. WORKERS COMPENSATION IS A EUGENICS PROGRAM TO IDENTIFY AND MURDER THE DISABLED! The soldiers are experiencing what the public has for 100 years!! In...

Kaneh Bosm: The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament

Kaneh Bosm: The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament Chris Bennett takes a look at the fascinating references to cannabis in the Old Testament text that have been suggested by anthropologist Sula Benet and other researchers, with interviews from Prof Carl Ruck, Dr. Ethan Russo, David Hillman PhD., as well as drug historians and authors Chris Conrad, Michael Horowitz, Martin Lee, and Michael Aldrich. Included is a discussion of the linguistics behind the theory as we ... ll as a look at the references in context of the Biblical story line and the use of cannabis by the surrounding cultures who influenced the Jewish cosmology, such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Canaanites and Scythians.

The Truth About The VA Medical System Scandal

National Shame After Deadly Mining Disaster Protests in Turkey Dispatch 5

Whistleblower former Atos doctor talks to BBC News (May 2013)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview - PTSD Symptoms

There is one item of PTSD not mentioned. The Workers Compensation System uses psychologically abusive appeals processes in all its claims handling. Many who have suffered severe accidents and become disabled from their employment but who do not show signs of PTSD develop this condition as a direct result of the appeals. These appeals leave a person in poverty, often losing all they worked for which adds to the stress. Many suffer from Chronic Pain as a result of their accidents and subsequent nerve damage and are not being treated pending appeals. This also causes stress. Too much for any normal person to take. An accident victim accepts compensation believing the Workers Compensation Boards are there to help them get well and back to work. When this does not happen and they are forced into these appeals even though there is an abundance of medical evidence to prove they are disabled from employment, this causes their world view to fall apart. The nice community they liv...

VA Hospitals Being ALLOWED To Let Veterans Die And Then Disappear Their ...

Description Over 40 die waiting for medical appointments. Some waiting as long as 21 months. This is not uncommon in the Workers Compensation system. Thousands in each State and Province who are promised medical care and wage loss if they get hurt at work are not getting what was promised from the State. All most get is more paperwork and more appeals. Then if you can live long enough, fight hard enough, you might get just barely enough to survive on, all the while tormented with poverty, pain, and stress. Many fight for years before committing suicide. Many more die of the stress related symptoms. It will never end for your family or mine, unless we demand the care promised to us by industry and governments.

Bangladesh marks factory collapse anniversary

Here's what REAL Love Looks Like..:)

Rally Against Temporary Foreign Worker Program - Part Two

Ronnie Smith's Story - Cured 300 people of cancer with Cannabis Oil (MOR...

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

In it for the long haul The Tiffany Ward story

Mumps Outbreak Involves Highly Vaccinated Students

From the desk of V.O.C.A.L. Canada, Australia, and the U.K. are dumping injured workers onto welfare illegally instead of getting the wage loss and medical care promised by our respective governments. For anyone to deny that this is a planned attack on workers is damaging to the health and well being of the population at large and the economy. In each State, Province, and Territory we see injured workers suffering in great pain, forced into absolute poverty, and having their rights removed so they cannot defend themselves against the tyranny of the Workers Compensation Boards. There is an average of about 500,000 claims in Canada now being dumped onto welfare or CPP, which also takes more rights from the disabled. The injured worker is constantly bullied into submission by psychologically abusive appeals processes that cause further injury to the already physically disabled individual. How can any Canadian support such a dysfunctional and/or corrupt system that is responsible for m...

At Long Last

A wonderful short film poignantly capturing the pain and suffering of PTSD and its effects. A marriage ruined, home lost, and a life of regret and loneliness. This is what our soldiers, and civilian population, endure without proper treatment. We must understand this issue as more and more are coming home only to find their lives have been ruined. The outcome is predictable for many. Suicide, jails, mental institutions, ruined relationships, are all a part of this hidden illness. Let's be aware so we can change this.

The Harper Song (Steve It's Time to Leave) by John Roby

Vaccine Induced Narcolepsy Court Awards Millions

LIFE Before Death Chronic Pain

Atos Demonstration: Leicester

Alex Jones Movie (2013) State Of Mind The Psychology Of Control Full Ver...

Tyneside Mind WCA Film 'But I'm Here for Mental Health'

Anonymous UK ~ #Opatosdemo

OPERATION ATOS DEMO. FEBRUARY 19th. Protest against the corrupt Atos government run genocide program that deems the disabled fit for work, cuts off benefits and then the disabled die. The same is happening with Workers Compensation Insurance in Canada. The Crown is attacking disabled people mentally/emotionally, financially, and with untreated medical conditions. Tortured to death by fraud and neglect. IS THJIS THE WAY YOU WANT YOU OR LOVED ONES TO BE TREATED! If not then wake up, smell the roses, and use the stems to make government bleed! Are 10,600 suicides caused by Atos in the U.K. in one year not enough for you to realize these people were killed on purpose?

In Memory Of

In memory of just a few who have been murdered by government corruption. This is happening on a daily basis and the death toll is staggering. We must end this genocide. For ourselves and our families sake.

The Chain Of Shame A Creative Revolt By Injured Workers YouTube1