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In Memory Of

In memory of just a few who have been murdered by government corruption. This is happening on a daily basis and the death toll is staggering. We must end this genocide. For ourselves and our families sake.

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Charter Rights/Workers Compensation Boards/Discrimination (Copy and Send to your Candidates)

I always Like Talk About the Charter and Human Rights. How can a Canadian citizen permanently disabled and unemployable at his previous occupations(s) ever get treated fairly, when both the Canada Health Act and our WCB Acts remove our basic rights? The answer is no justice can be gotten by the injured forced, yes forced, into needless appeals. What government may not realize is that the WCB's, all of them, use these loopholes in the law to deny claims with immunity from having to pay legislated benefits, including providing medical care, wage loss, follow up treatments, retraining that would enable a person to reach their potential and restore them to the workforce, or any other measure that would be a benefit to the individual and society as a whole. So whose fault is it that this discrimination in society is permitted by government? Why government itself of course. They have created this discrimination by such clear and obvious legislation completely against the wishes of the pe

Please Help Canadians

To whom it may Concern, Patrick Clayton is not an evil man. The system he was subjected too is the culprit in this case. All Workers Compensation Boards in Canada practice psychological and physical abuse against the permanently disabled victim. It is this psychological and physical abuse that drives men mad, causes them to commit crimes, causes them to seek treatment from the streets (drugs and alcohol), and even causes them to commit suicide. That is the goal of the Workers Compensation Boards. Mr. Clayton is not alone suffering pain and torment and fraud and abuse. There are tens of thousands of injured workers across Canada being mistreated the same way. Fortunately most injured workers recover and return to their jobs. For those that can’t, and the WCB’s know immediately which ones can’t, the abuse begins. What has happened to Mr. Clayton is not an isolated incident. In the last couple of years WCB offices have been attacked in Manitoba and Quebec. To single him out as a worthles

Job Description; Making Useful WCB Employees

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U.S. RICO Laws and Canada's Gang Laws

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Nova Scotia Injured Workers: We are fighting for our rights and life.#links#links#links#links

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